2017-15 The Committee on Grievances of the United States District Court for the Eastern Distrioct of New York
2017-14 Extension of a United States Magistrate Judge Merit Selection Panel
2017-13 In The Matter of Adoption of Schedules and Assignments at the Brooklyn Courthouse for 2018.
2017-12 Amendments to Local Bankruptcy Rules
2017-11 In Re: The Panel of Attorneys to Assist the Committee on Grievances of the Board of Judges
2017-10 In the Matter of the Appointment of SANKET J. BULSARA as United States Magistrate Judge.
2017-09 In Re The Panel of Attorneys to Assist the Committee on Grievances of the Board of Judges
2017-08 In the Matter of the Reappointment of Roanne L. Mann as United States Magistrate Judge
2017-05 Extension of the Merit Panel for the United States Magistrate Judge Vacancy in Brooklyn
2017-04 In the Matter of the Reappointment of STEVEN M. GOLD as United States Magistrate Judge
2017-03 Assignment of Cases Related to Darw'eesh, et. al, v. Trump, et. al, Docket No. 17-cv-480