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Court Fees

Fee Schedule                         - Effective February 12, 2024
Apostille  $50.00
Attorney Admission $226.00
Certificate of Good Standing $21.00
Document Certification $12.00
Exemplification $24.00
Filing Fee for Civil Case $405.001
Habeas Corpus Filing Fee $5.00
Microfilm/Microfiche $7.00
Misdemeanor Appeal $41.00
Miscellaneous Case Filing Fee $52.00
Notice of Appeal $605.002
Petty Offense Violation Processing Fee $30.00
Photocopy (per page) $   .50
Pro Hac Vice Application $200.00
Record Retrieval (one box) $70.00
Record Retrieval involving multiple boxes, each additional box $43.00
Record Search (per name or item searched)  $34.00
Registration of Foreign Judgment $52.00
Reproduction and transmitting in any manner 
a copy of an electronic record stored outside of the
court’s electronic case management system
Reproduction of an Audio Recording of Court Proceeding $34.00
Returned Check Fee $53.00
Solidarity Act of 1996 (in addition to filing fee) $7,202.00
1 Includes a $55.00 administrative fee for filing a civil action, suit or proceeding.
The administrative fee is applied to all civil actions except petitions for a writ of habeas corpus and where a person has been granted IFP status under 28 U.S.C. § 1915.
2 Includes a $5.00 statutory fee that is collected in 28 U.S.C. § 1917