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Administrative Orders 2020

2020-27 In The Matter of Adoption of Schedules and Assignments at the Brooklyn Courthouse for 2021

2020-26-2 Second Amendment of Administrative Order 2020-26 and further Temporarily Suspending All In-Person Proceedings

2020-26-1 Amending Administrative Order 2020-26 to Temporarily Suspend In-Person Criminal Proceedings

2020-26 Temporary Suspension of Jury Trials, Grand Jury Selections and other Limits to In-Person Proceedings

2020-25 Appointing Judge Komitee to Grievance Committee

2020-24 Remote Access to Judicial Proceedings.

2020-23 in Re: Extension of a United States Magistrate Judge Merit Selection Panel.

2020-22 in Re: Revised Restrictions on Entry to Courthouses of the Eastern District of New York.

2020-21 In the Matter of the Reappointment of VERA M. SCANLON as United States Magistrate Judge for an additional 8-year term.

2020-20-1 Amending Administrative Order 2020-20 to Further Exclude Time Under The Speedy Trial Act for the Filing of Indictments Until July 13, 2020.

2020-19-1 Service of Process by the United States Marshal

2020-18-1 Petty Offense Docket under Exigent Circumstances Created by COVID-19

2020-20 Further Continuance of Jury Trials and Exclusion of Time Under the Speedy Trial Act and Other Issues

2020-19 in Re: Service of Process by the United States Marshal

2020-18 in Re: Continuance of Petty Offense Proceedings

2020-17 in Re: Extension of the US Magistrate Judge Merit Selection Panel and Appointment of Said Panel to Fill An Additional Magistrate Judge Vacancy

2020-16 in Re: Interim Vouchers Under the CJA Plan

2020-15-1 Amends Administrative Order 2020-15 to further exclude time under the Speedy Trial Act for the filing of indictments through June 8, 2020

2020-15 in Re: Further Continuance of Jury Trial and Exclusion of Time Under the Speedy Trial Act (Amended byAdministrative Order 20-15-1 above)

2020-14 Status of Detention Facilities Housing Defendants in Cases Filed in the Eastern District of New York

2020-13-3 Third Authorization to Continue the Use of Videoconferencing or Telephone Conferencing in Criminal Matters

2020-13-2 Second Authorization to Continue the Use of Videoconferencing or Telephone Conferencing in Criminal Matters.

2020-13-1 Authorization to Continue the Use of Videoconferencing or Telephone Conferencing in Criminal Matter

2020-13 Use of Videoconferencing or Telephone Conferencing in Criminal Matters pursuant to the CARES Act

2020-12 Service of Process by the United States Marshal is suspended in certain cases in light of the Coronavirus/COVID-19 Pandemic

2020-11 In Re: Supplemental Order Regarding Preliminary Hearings in Criminal Matters and Continuance of Jury Trials and Exclusion of Time Under The Speedy Trial Act

2020-10 In Re Petty Offense Docket under the Exigent Circumstances Created by COVID-19.

2020-09 In Re Attorney Admissions under the Exigent Circumstances Created by COVID-19.

2020-08 In Re Supplemental Restrictions to Entry to the Courthouses of the EDNY

2020-07 In Re Naturalizations Under Exigent Circumstances Created by COVID-19

2020-06 In Re Continuance of Jury Trials and Exclusion of Time

2020-05 Regarding restrictions on certain person from entering the courthouses

2020-04 Regarding the presentation of detainees at court

2020-03 In re: Appointment of a Merit Selection Panel

2020-02 In re: Appointment of ALAN S. TRUST as Chief United States Bankruptcy Judge