Who do I contact to receive a judgment of satisfaction, information on payment statements received?
Please contact the U.S. Attorney's Office (Financial Litigation Unit) at (718) 254-6080 located at 271 Cadman Plaza East, Brooklyn, NY 11201.
My case is closed and I am trying to get a statement that I have satisfied my financial obligations.
To receive a payment history send your request via email at: confirmpay@nyed.uscourts.gov. The payment history is not a Satisfaction of Judgment document. To receive a Satisfaction of Judgment contact the U. S. Attorney's Office (718) 254-6080 located at 271 Cadman Plaza East, Brooklyn, NY 11201.
What form of payment does the Court accept?
Checks/cashier checks, money orders, and online payment via Pay.gov (debit card, ACH Paypal debit/ACH). Only when bank clears the check, money order, or verifies bank account funds is the fee or debt officially paid or discharged. A $53 fee will be charged for a returned check
To whom should the check/money order be made payable?
Check/money orders are payable to "Clerk, U.S. District Court". Please include all pertinent information on your check/money order (payee name and/or who it is for, amount, date, signature, case number, etc.) clearly and legibly. If the Court is unable to read or apply your check/money order to the correct account it may be returned to you or deposited into the unidentifiable account. Only when bank clears the check, money order, or verifies bank account funds is the fee or debt officially paid or discharged. A $53 fee will be charged for a returned check
Where should I send payments?
Payments may be sent to Brooklyn or Central Islip. Please go to the "Cashier’s Office" link for the addresses. Only when bank clears the check, money order, or verifies bank account funds is the fee debt officially paid or discharged. A $53 fee will be charged for a returned check.
Online payments can be made via Pay.gov
How can I get a receipt for my payment?
If mailing your payment, include a self-addressed stamped envelope and a receipt will be returned to you. If paying online, you will automatically receive a receipt if you provide an email address when making a payment.
Funds sent via US Treasury's Credit Gateway System
The Clerk's Office may accept, report, and process court ordered payments and civil case payments in excess of $50,000.00 through the Department of Treasury's Credit Gateway System. Collections equal or greater than $50 million require advanced notification to the Administrative Office's Finance and Accounting Division and Treasury's Bureau of Fiscal Service. The EFTs are receipted directly into the Department of Treasury, handled by the Federal Reserve Banking System and referred to as "Fedwire" payments or "ACH" credit transactions.
Please contact the finance department at (718) 613-2580 to obtain the necessary instructions.
I am a victim and I want to add my address. Who should I contact?
Please send your name, the case number and new address to confirmpay@nyed.uscourts.gov