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CM/ECF NextGen

As of Oct. 9, 2018, the EDNY is a NextGen court
You must link your EDNY e-filing account to your PACER account following these instructions:
-Log in using your PACER username and password.
-Go to Utilities>NextGen Release 1.1 Menu ltems>Link a CM/ECF account to my PACER account.
You need your legacy EDNY e-filing login and password at the next step. If you do not know them,
please call 718-613-2285. For more information, please see: Attorney Upgrade and Link Guide.

If you already have an EDNY e-filing account, please do not request a new one through Pacer.
If you are attempting to link your ECF account to your Pacer account and do not know your ECF
login and password, please call the court at 718-613-2285 (Brooklyn) or 631-712-6010 (Central Islip).

For New Attorneys:
Apply for Attorney Admissions - Attorneys may apply for regular admission to the Eastern District of
New York, or may apply for pro hac vice admission on a particular case in whole or in part,
Go to Maintain My Account > Maintenance > Attorney Admissions and E-Filing
CJA Panel Attorneys

CJA Panel Attorneys will need only one PACER account for filing and viewing in NextGen. 
If you have a separate exempt CJA account now, those exempt privileges will need to be
added to your individual upgraded PACER account.

PACER Administrative Accounts ('PAA') 
To help manage attorney accounts and have individual accounts centrally billed, Law Firms may
centralize PACER billing through a PACER Administrative Account (PAA).   To register for a PAA,
please visit:
If you have questions about PACER, click HERE
for a list of FAQs

Contact Information: 
For filing or admission related questions, contact:
(718) 613-2285

CM/ECF Docketing/Filing
(718) 613-2610

Central Islip:
(631) 712-6030
CM/ECF Docketing/Filing
(631) 712-6010
For billing or other account related questions and assistance, contact:
PACER:  1-800-676-6856