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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Who do I call to get help with Procedural or Operational issues?

    In Brooklyn, call Operations Department at (718) 613-2610
    In Central Islip - call Operations Department at (631) 712-6010

  • Who do I contact for CMECF Training?

    To schedule ECF training contact Evelyn Levine at 718-613-2312 or by e-mail.

    Central Islip
    To schedule ECF training contact Grisel Ortiz at 631-712-6010 or by e-mail. 

  • Who do I contact if I have a question on a filing made on cm/ecf?


    Contact the CM/ECF Docketing/Filing Help Desk
    Brooklyn (718) 613-2610
    Central Islip (631) 712-6010
  • Who do I contact if I have a question on how to file on cm/ecf?


    Contact the CM/ECF Docketing/Filing Help Desk
    Brooklyn (718) 613-2610
    Central Islip (631) 712-6010
  • Who do I contact if I have made an error on a case that I opened?
    Please contact the case opening department for the appropriate office:
    Brooklyn (718) 804-2722
    Central Islip (631) 712-6030
  • Who do I contact if I have questions on courtroom technology?

    Arrangements to use one or more of the below items must first be made with the respective courtroom deputy/case manager. All telecommunications must be approved by the court in advance of any testing or use.

    Additional questions regarding the equipment can be directed to (718) 613-2290, please ask for a Courtroom Technology Specialist.

  • Who do I contact if I have questions on the case that I filed?
    Please contact the case opening department for the appropriate office:
    Brooklyn (718) 804-2722
    Central Islip (631) 712-6030
  • Who do I contact if my name comes up on a background check on a NYED case and I am not that person?

    Contact the Records Room at (718) 613-2285 for a records search. The fee for the search is located under court fees. Once the search is complete you will be given a certificate of search.

  • Who do I contact to fix a misspelling on a case?
    Contact the CM/ECF Docketing/Filing Help Desk
    Brooklyn (718) 613-2610
    Central Islip (631) 712-6010
  • Whom do I call regarding CM/ECF software requirements?

    Call the Systems Department Help Desk at (718)613-2290

  • Why can't the lawyers in the Pro Se Office represent me?

    The Staff Attorneys in the Pro Se Office are court employees and as such are prohibited by law from representing litigants, giving legal advice to litigants or doing legal research on behalf of litigants.  The Staff Attorneys, like all employees of the Court, must remain neutral in order to preserve the integrity and independence of the Court. 

  • Why can't the Pro Se Office give legal advice?

    Legal advice should be given only by lawyers to their clients.  The staff of the Pro Se Office consists of court employees and are prohibited by law from giving legal advice. 

  • Will my Central Sign On Account for NYE District Court work in NYE Bankruptcy Court?

    No. You must register for a CM/ECF Account with NYEB Bankruptcy court.
