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Frequently Asked Questions

  • I filed a case and now when I click on the document number on the notification I get this error 'Cannot locate the case with caseid #####", how do I fix this?

    The error "Cannot locate the case with caseid #####", usually means that the case had extensive errors and is in the process of being corrected before a Judge is assigned.

    Please follow-up with the appropriate office:

    Brooklyn (718) 804-2722
    Central Islip (631) 712-6030
  • I filed a document and the pdf header is towards the bottom of the screen; how do fix the document?
    Refer to Print to PDF
  • I filled out a fillable form, but it will not save. How can I correct this?

    Download the fillable form to your pc, launch adobe and open the form. Fill it out and save it.

  • I have a MAC and I need to know how to select multiple names when filing?

    Click on one of the party names and then press and hold the MAC command key and click on the other name(s).

  • I have a MAC, can I still participate in ECF?


  • I have a motion and a memo in support to file, do I docket both as motions?

    NO. You can docket the motion and then add the memorandum in support as an attachment or docket the motion and then docket the memorandum in support. Never use the motion events for anything other than a motion.

  • I have numerous parties to add to the civil cover sheet, but they will not all fit. How can I make them all fit?

    If the names of all the parties cannot fit in the space provided, please write “see attached” in the space and attach an additional page with the full list of names.

  • I have to file a Notice of Change(Notice of Change of Address/Firm/Email), is there a court form?

    There is no court form for a Notice of Change of Address/Firm/Email.

  • I made a filing error and I need to edit the docket entry on a case, who do I contact?

    Once a filing has been made, it can only be corrected by an Order from the court.

  • I made a filing error and I need to remove the docket entry from the case, who do I contact?

    Once a filing has been made, it can only be removed by an Order from the court.

  • I need assistance filing on ecf, who do I contact?

    You can contact the docketing department.  For Brooklyn cases (718 613-2610), for Long Island cases (631-712-6010).

  • I need to locate a transcript that is not on pacer, who do I contact?

    Please click here for the information on transcripts.

  • I need to request a transcript for a court reporter that is not listed, who do I contact?

    Please contact ESR
    Brooklyn (718) 613-2590
    Central Islip  (631) 712-6015

  • I noticed that Attorney to be Noticed” is not appearing near the attorney's name and the attorney is not receiving notices, how can this be corrected?

    Please contact the appropriate office where your case is located (718) 613-2610 for Brooklyn and (631) 712-6010 for Central Islip.

  • I receive this error SortDPF failed Seal(entry,silent) when trying to file a sealed entry - why?

    When filing sealed in ecf, you must select a primary event and then select one of the sealed utility events. Example: Rule 56.1 Statement and 1 - Sealed Entry AND Document - to be used ONLY in conjunction with other selection.
